Self Mastery Coaching

What is the Why of Your Life??



Who am I? I am a SOUL housed in this body.

So what is your Mission, your Vision?

Let’s go straight into an example, for clarity. My example.

The WHY of my LifeMy Mission: I’m a Self Mastery and Life Coach, and I empower people to lead happier and more fulfilling lives. 💖

I use practical and personalized solutions to raise your Happiness Levels, by working on Self Development, Interpersonal Communication and Purpose in Life.

If you’re feeling stuck or directionless, a personalized one-on-one coaching session can help you gain clarity and move forward with confidence.

This is how I enable you to become the best version of yourself and live the best version of your Life 🌟

The WHAT of my LIfeMy Vision: To touch millions of lives around the world and empower them to turn from extraordinary beings to extra-extraordinary beings.

🌎 We as people must become the Masterpiece we deserve to become!

Does that make sense? Put down pen on paper and write out your dreams, aspirations, purpose in Life.

Otherwise you will be either going around in circles, or your mind will just seem a cluttered box, or you will just move on with life without thinking, without any direction. 

Join the Self-Mastery Program and take a step towards a more purposeful life.

Having a PURPOSE is imperative to make Life more meaningful, more gratifying and more rewarding.

If you haven’t found your purpose in Life, make it your Purpose to find that Purpose! Only then can we move on to the HOW.

The ABCD of Life: A being the Awakening (birth), and D being Death, it is between these two on which depends: HOW we live our life!

But having a reason, a purpose in life doesn’t mean that it has to be the same throughout. The reinvention of our purpose is our evolution, and this is the revolution!

Ready to move ahead in life? You can start your journey with our empowering workshops and coaching sessions today!

For Vision Evolving questions that you can ask yourself, to move on in life with a higher purpose, email to and receive your set of questions from Life Coach – Veena Dhandhia!

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