
Master Yourself to Make Consistency a Habit!

We become what we want to be, by CONSISTENTLY being what we want to become…each day!

Read that again. And again.

So it all boils down to doing small acts, small routines REGULARLY for a few weeks (21 days, to be precise).

We all know that doing acts regularly will reach our subconscious levels to ingrain into us as a HABIT…which you now are almost addicted to!

To be consistent, one needs to be motivated and that’s not the case all the time. It’s very natural to feel demotivated at times. When motivation is on the wane, self-discipline has to step in and take over.

There! Your consistency stays intact.

A must read: Thrive, Not Just Survive!

Here are some ways to support your habit-building routine:

✨ Remove distractions and temptations. Don’t give yourself a hard time. Move those sweets away from sight when you want to be consistent with your diet.

✨ Create a structure that can help in self-regulation, Create intent in your morning routine to write the 5 things you are grateful for, to schedule self-care, to structure a sleep routine to ward off screen time before sleeping.

Want to improve yourself? Check out 1:1 Self-Mastery Coaching with Veena Dhandhia and start your journey today!

✨ Follow the routine you have set without thinking too much about it and letting it bring in haywire thoughts

✨ Follow the Mel Robbins 5-second rule: every time you want to avoid that morning walk, look at your walking shoes, count 5 backwards and jump up to get into those shoes to walk out the door. Don’t give your brain time to find excuses not to do something.

The brain looovvveeesss doing that!

You may find it helpful: The Stress Handling Formula: Feel-Reveal-Deal-Heal-Seal

All in all, find ways that work for you to maintain consistency. Habits will then develop beautifully!

What is the one good habit you have recently developed?

I would love to know.

Ready to build life-changing habits? Download my Life Camera Action Book:

Have any questions or need guidance? Contact Veena Dhandhia – Your Life Coach today!

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